In order to foster and widen cooperation in science and innovation, the CEA is launching a PhD student's mobility pilot program aimed at supporting a short visit to an EU laboratory/research center (CEA PACE, Pilot Action for Cooperation in Europe). The objectives of such visit might be:
- to find a suitable laboratory for a post-doc which will allow initiating or pursuing a CEA cooperation
- to discuss potential concrete collaboration on research
- to meet with several researchers within the host institution to explore all possible other collaborations, also in a multidisciplinary approach
- to identify short, medium and long-term perspectives of collaborations in order to build a sustainable cooperation between research teams, research laboratory, departments and institutions.
Two PACE mobility grants projects have been awarded to NUMERICS fellows:

Leo-Laurenz Zeitler : third-years PhD student is working on the research topic: Modelling DNA Repair in Living Cells. The potential postdoctoral project consider to study the effect of cellular connections for the temporal process of angiogenesis at Francis Crick Institute in London.
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Chi-Hsun Sung : PhD thesis on Simulation and Artificial Intelligence for A Gamma Detector for High Resolution PET Imaging defended 4th july 2022 open a discussion for potential postdoctoral work on the Innovative SiPM/SPAD development for high resolustion medical imaging at EPFL (Switzerland). Learn more
A fixed grant of 1000 euros cover travel, accommodation and leaving expenses for the short visit (a few days up to a few weeks) in the hosting country. The selection committee is comprised of CEA representatives involved in the establishment of relevant international long lasting cooperation.