Congratulations to Dr. Pamela CAMILOS who sucesfully defended her PhD thesis Atomic scale modeling of difusion in concentrated alloys November, 22, 2022 at Paris-Saclay University, CEA Saclay.

She presented reults of her work preformed at Service de Recherche de Métallurgie Physique (DES/ISAS/DMN/SRMP), CEA Saclay, supervised by Maylise NASTAR (thesis director, CEA) and Thomas SCHULER (thesis supervisor at CEA).

The further members of the examination committee were; Ludovic THUINET, Enrique MARTINEZ-SAEZ, Céline VARVENNE, Philippe MAUGIS and Sergiy DIVINSKY. Also colleagues, friends and family attended to this successful defence at INSTN-CEA Saclay.
Dr. Pamela Camilos is one of six NUMERICS fellows who were the first out of 45 to obtaine the doctorate in frame of this programme. We congratulate also to all 6 NUMERICS doctors and are witing for the next PhD defence.