Session : 2018-2021
1.* Giordano FAUSTI, Phase separation in active systems : non-equilibrium fingerprints. 2021/12/15
2.* Kangming LI, Magnetochemical coupling effects on thermodynamics, point-defect formation and diffusion in Fe-Ni alloys : a theoretical study. 2021/11/30
3.* Shalu RANI, Theoretical description of non-linear process in magnetic materials 2021/12/15
4.* Yimi WANG, Atomistic modeling of thermodynamic properties, diffusion and ordering in Fe-Ni alloys. 2021/11/30
Session : 2019-2022
5*. Ange Grégoire Odjoutchoni ATINTOH, 3D thermomechanical modeling of printed circuit board, 2023/06/16.
6.* Emily BOURNE, Non-uniform numerical schemes for the modelling of turbulence in the 5D GYSELA code, 2022/12/02.
7.* Simone BRACCIO, Numerical and experimental studies of a combined cooling and power cycle , 2023/02/01.
8.* Pamela CAMILOS, Atomic-scale modeling of diffusion in concentrated alloys. , 2022/11/22.
9.* Maria Paula DUVAL (COMSA) Numerical methods for a personalized autonomous transcutaneous gas monitoring device , 2022/12/05.
10.* Amal GUEROUDJI, Distributed Task-Based In Situ Data Analytics for High-Performance Simulations, 2023/05/26.
11.* Harish GUNASEKARAN Subjective recalibration and endogenous delta oscillations in humans. 2023/06/28.
12*. Marc HABER, Improving the lifetime prediction methodology of Li-ion batteries for electric vehicles, 2023/01/09.
13.* Paula KLEIJ, Plasmonics in ultra relativistic regime. 2023/02/15.
14.* Polina SIMKINA, Reconstruction et analyse d'événements de l'experience CMS avec intelligence artificiel2023/09/20
15.* Maciej ŚLIWOWSKI , Artificial intelligence for real-time decoding of motor commands from ECoG of disabled subjects for chronic brain computer interfacing 2022/12/02.
16.* Chi-Hsun SUNG, Simulation and artificial intelligence for a gamma detector for high resolution PET imaging. 2022/07/04.
17*. Sophie WITTIG, Estimating methane sources and sinks in the Arctic using atmospheric data assimilation. 2023/01/13.
18* Xiaolong ZHANG, Modelling of the pulsating heat pipe. 2022/12/14.
Session : 2020-2023
19. * Keneth ASSOGBA, On a numerical scheme to solve the neutron transport equation using spherical harmonics and a discontinuous Galerkin method . 2023/12/15
20. Mahmoud ATTIA, Multiscale modelling of diffusion in fast-lithium ion solid-state electrolytes. 2025/02/13
21. * Anas BACHIRI, Development of AI methods for deep learning of the MRI signature of the cortex cytoarchitecture with diffusion MRI. 2024/09/20
22.** Vaishnavi BORSE , Machine Learning methods for non-stationary systems: applications to climate simulations.
23.* Teddy CHEDID, Multi-scale modelling approach of a steam storage with Phase Change Materials integrated into a thermal process. 2023/12/13
24.* Abdallah EL SAHILI, From spectra to total energies: a new approach to
calculate the electronic ground state. 2024/01/26
25. * Raquel GALAZO GARCIA, Scalar field scenarios for dark matter. 2023/09/22
26.* Chaithya GILIYAR RADHAKRISHNA , Designing and learning non-Cartesian k-space sampling trajectories for accelerated 3D MRI. 2023/04/25
27. * Andrea GONDOVA, Mapping Newborn Brain
Development: Analyses of large multi-modal imaging . 2023/12/11
28. * Gerardo Emanuel GRANADOS, Machine learning based simulation of realistic signals for an enhanced automatic diagnostic in non-destructive testing applications2023/11/14
29. Mateo IBARRA GOMEZ, Numerical analysis of coherent, chimera and chaotic
states within networks of dynamically coupled spin torque nano-oscillators for
wireless communication and machine learning applications.
30.* Andrii LOBASENKO, The neutrino nature through the analysis of
double-beta decays of Xenon-136 in the PandaX-III experiment. 2024/07/10
31.* Hung Cuong NGUYEN, Numerical calculation and simulation methods for the analysis and control of the stability of electrical networks with a high rate of renewable energy - Validation by real-time simulation. 2024/11/29
32.* Samuel OBADERO, Intercalation in graphite materials. 2024/06/26
33.* Alam OSORIO DELGADILLO, Electronic excitations of borophene: novel graphical tool for the electron density . 2024/04/15
34.* Andrea PORRO, Ab initio description of monopole resonances in light- and medium-mass nuclei. 2023/09/26
35.* Ahmed TRABELSI, Resistance level modulation in PCM memory for neuromorphic applications.2024/04/02
36. *Leo ZEITLER, Computational integration and modelling of DNA repair kinetics in eukaryotes. 2023/09/21
37.* Demid ZHARENOV, Antimatter, hypernuclei: need to know the
antiproton-nucleus interaction. 2023/12/08
Session : 2021-2024
38.* Alberto CARNELLI, Deep learning to discover rare complex signals with the Atlas experiment at the LHC. 2024/09/17
39.* Hope DONGLO, Study of reaction mechanisms for the synthesis of super-heavy elements. 2024/12/04
40.** Peter FITZHUGH, Artificial intelligence to simulate big data and search for the higgs boson decay to a pair of muons with the ATLAS experiment at the large hadron collider (LHC).
41. Thi-Khanh Dieu HOANG, Cheet build-up during the Quaternar
42. Virginia QUADRI, Turbulence - neutrals interaction and its impact on density regimes in the edge plasma of tokamaks. 2024/12/19
43. Nathalie SAOULI Modelling and simulation of the self-assembly of nanoparticles under an external magnetic field.
44.* Alberto SCALESI, On the characterization of nuclear many-body correlations in the ab initio approach. 2024/09/17
45.* Libor VOJACEK, Multiscale modeling of spin-orbitronic phenomena at metal, oxide, and 2D material interfaces for spintronic devices. 2024/09/06
(*) PhD Thesis has been successfully accomplished
(**) end of the contract