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Piece of advice

How to use WebEx

​If you're shortlisted you will be interviewed by the Selection Board. Thus, you may have to deal with WebEx.

Published on 27 July 2018

How does it work?

You will receive by email an invitation to join the session named "Meeting room".

  1. Step 1: click the link in the email

  2. Step 2: Log in using your email and a password

  1. Before the scheduled time the meeting room may be locked. In that case, the screen will read the following message until the meeting opens.


  1. " Vous pourrez rejoindre la réunion lorsque l'organisateur vous aura admis(e)"

Meanwhile, ensure your webcam is enabled and prepare your presentation. To enable your webcam, click on the icon on the right of your name.

Step 3: Connect to the audio using your phone. To do so, dial 0 805 638 851(In France) or +33 1 72 00 14 01 (Abroad).

Step 4: You are asked for a pincode. Call 621 700 86 #

The Selection Board can now hear your voice on the phone.

Last pieces of advice

1) ​Try WebEx a few days before your audition so you have time to report it to the Selection Board if you any doubt or technical problem.

2) Be sure your internet connection is good enough! Really. It'd be a pity if a poor connection stood between the Board and you.

3) Prepare your audition by repeating and avoid last minut ppt presentation.

In one word: PRE-PARE.